Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Registry Musts and Registry Busts

Below is a list of a few items that we've come to love in these first two months:

Clothing with hand cuffs. No, not handcuffs. But the long sleeves that fold over. Auntie Em (Kyle's aunt Maureen) bought us a set. They are great for a newborn who is constantly trying to scratch her face and poke out her eyes. Do all babies do this?
Lucy chillin in her swing (another awesome gift)
Itzbeen. This works for both Kyle and I. I like routine, and like to make sure I’m on top of feedings and diaper changes. Kyle would forget if the timer wasn’t reminding him. This handy device tells you how long "itz-been" since Lucy’s last feeding or diaper change. Also tells me which side I last nursed from. I’m pretty sure they could make an app for this, but in the mean time, this thing rocks. Newest timer being used: How long since that glass of wine.

QuickZip crib sheets. If you or someone you know is having a baby, look these up. No messing with crib mattresses for this momma.

A Nice Stroller: We opted for the BOB jogging stroller. Though I’m not much of a jogger, the stroller is robust and super nice. We decided not to skimp on a stroller, and glad that we have such generous mothers
Reg taking Lucy for a walk.
Cloth Diapers and diaper liners. This may need to be a separate post sometime in the near future.

Rockabye Baby CDs: Really this should be any baby music. Kyle complied all of the CDs that we received on an iPod for Lucy. The Rockabye collection plays lullaby versions of songs by artists from our generation (or our parents). All of a sudden I’ll find my self humming along to Pennylane by the Beatles or Crash by Dave Matthews.

Snugabunny Sleeper: Instead of having to check on Lucy in her crib multiple times throughout the night, we put her in her Snugabunny Sleeper. It sits right next to the bed and is much more affordable and portable than a bassinet. As Kyle’s mom agrees, it’s just too bad they don’t make these in adult sizes.
iPod lamp: When we’re hanging out in Lucy’s room, all I have to do is plug her iPod into the lamp, and voila, instant baby music. Oh, and it functions as a lamp. I love *multipurposeful items. (*Side Note, blogspot is trying to tell me that "multipurposeful" is not a word. I think they're wrong).

Flloyd: Kyle's aunt picked this guy out for Lucy. He's become her BFF (after Reggie). He makes this cool sounds when you shake him. No wonder she's so intrigued.

Books. By far my favorite gifts we received. When my sister sent out invitations for our baby shower, she requested that guests put their name in a book instead of a card. I love reading Lucy a book and being able to tell her about who gave her the book and how that person’s important to her momma and daddy. I also love the collection of books we received. Everyone seems to have their favorite, and many of the titles I had never heard of, but have come to love. Favorite new book meeting this criteria: Is your Mama a Llama?

Now for  some Registry busts:
Socks. Seriously, my daughter can’t keep them on. I prefer our hand-me-down little soft booties with Velcro straps holding them on her wiggly feet.

Baby Wash cloths. We’ve been using non-baby, adult-size wash cloths. They seem to be working just fine.

Burp Cloths. I didn’t realize how much babies spit up. I didn’t register for any of these, but my mom went to Walmart and bought a 10-pack of the old school style cloth diapers for $13. They clean up the spit up at less than half the cost of fancy shmancy burp cloths.

Clothes. This may be a shocker, but I think Lucy loves me just as much, whether she’s in a hand-me-down onesie or a designer brand dress with matching purse. Luckily for her, her momma’s friend Hannah splurged on some pretty stylish outfits for the few times that we have to go out and mingle.

Nail Clippers. I tried cutting Lucy’s nails. She moved. She bled. She screamed to the point her voice was quivering with pain. My heart cried. Since then, I’ve been biting her nails during feedings. Weird? Yes.  Any screeching babies? No.

Pack and Play. I originally registered for one, but then took it off our registry when I thought “where are we going to put this?” They’re great for grandparent’s homes or if you have a huge house (we don’t).


  1. Michelle, thanks for the gift idea - our anniversary is not too far off. I would have never thought to go to Bye Bye Baby for a wine timer.

  2. haha. for some reason, I don't think Susan would appreciate you timing her in between glasses!

  3. WHERE can I find those zip sheets????????
