Wednesday, November 30, 2011

To Car or Not to Car...

I bought the TT back in 2006 and double paid my car payments. I had it paid off in about 2 ½ years. For a while I was car payment free.

When I took my job in Terre Haute, we purchased a Mazda3 and Kyle started driving the Audi; and the car payments started again. A few weeks ago, we sold the Audi, paid off the Mazda3 and eliminated our car payment. My parents have been lending us the Miata until we buy our next car.

Quick storyline: I bought the Miata when I first graduated college, I then flipped it into a swamp and State Farm totaled the vehicle. My dad bought the car off of State Farm for a reduced rate, fixed it up, and got it running again. Mom and Dad said we can borrow the Miata for as long as we want... (My parents are totally cool!)

We sold the Audi so we could purchase a  "family car". You know, one of those super nice, 4WD, all leather, luxury SUVs with the never used headlights on the top. We’ve had our eyes on this:

A brand new Nissan Xterra. Yet, Kyle's still driving the Miata. Why? Because every time I think we're ready to go take on another huge car loan, I watch this video: 

Here's a direct link to the video:

Every time I watch that video,  I keep thinking, "maybe we could get by without the fancy schmancy SUV for just a few more months"

1 comment:

  1. hummm... makes you think. I hope you are socking away that payment every month until you decide.
