Thursday, November 10, 2011

15 weeks tomorrow...

I decided to do tomorrow's post today. Especially since tomorrow's veteran's day and in celebration, I plan to not do anything productive.

Last weekend we took the niece and nephew to Indy. The weekend before we went to one of my best friend's weddings in Chicago. It was nice catching up with some of the guys that I spent so much time with my freshman and sophomore years of college (photo).

My friend Angela was suppose to come visit us in Terre Haute this weekend, and I was really bummed when she cancelled. However, yesterday Kyle sent me an evite asking me on a date on Saturday (insert "awww" here). A prenatal massage and dinner at the Melting Pot. He knows how to cheer me up.

Next weekend, Kyle and I are flying out to Phoenix. I get to go wedding dress browsing with Draves! It's been a while since I've last seen her, so it'll be great to girl chat and catch up.

And, the weekend after that is Thanksgiving! I don't think I've ever looked forward to Thanksgiving as much as I do this year. This year Kyle and I have a lot to be thankful for, and Thanksgiving dinner also marks the end of our silence about Ringlet.

Ringlet's fruit of the week is an orange. What a perfect fruit, since all I ever want lately is more orange juice. Kyle and I even started buying the gallon sized jugs, so we can cut back on our trips to the grocery.

I'm a bit nervous; at week 16 we move up from fruits to vegetables. Stay tuned to find out what healthy green we move up to next...

1 comment:

  1. Love your 15 week update! Ummm, maybe a green pepper??
