Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Ringlet's locks...

So far I've been able to avoid all bad pregnancy symptoms. No nausea or food aversions. No cravings for pickles or morning sickness. However, this week I've started experiencing very mild amount of heartburn. Although my sister (a doctor) tells me not to trust any old-wives tales, this one I really believe to be true... 

Heartburn during pregnancy = a hairy baby. 

I'm not sure if the heartburn is convincing me that our little Ringlet will be born with a full head of hair or if it's mine and Kyle's hospital birth photos... (And yes, Kyle's mom promises that photo on the left really is Kyle)


  1. Possibly. Both his parents are blonde, so I could imagine their surprise when he was born with a full head of dark hair. I love his little nose in the picture!

  2. I was wondering if Ringlet would have hair like her daddy, the most hair I had ever seen on a child! And look at you, better get some ginger tea!
