Today Kyle and I went through a very sad breakup. We parted ways with the Audi TT. A guy from Cincinnati came and purchased it just an hour ago. I even considered putting together a video tribute of all the good times we spent together. We will miss you Audi TT. Tear.
A note on our new relationship: The Terre Haute Q'doba opened today. I have a feeling that we will be frequenting the new establishment on a minimum of a weekly basis. Maybe I'll pick some up on the way home. I'm sure Kyle will think that it will help as we mourn the TT.
A few months back I sent Kyle a link that there would be a new Q'doba opening in Terre Haute.
Kyle's response: "My prayers worked!! (Hmmm, maybe I should have been praying for something more important.)"
tell kyle to be careful in that miata-that things a death machine!