Thursday, October 6, 2011

Business Lunch

Yesterday, Kyle was meeting some other attorneys for lunch. So, I decided to meet some other associates for lunch as well. Here's a summary of what was discussed:

YoYo will be turning 2 this week. He argued that he'll be 3, but Franny was quick to correct the group, that he will in fact be turning 2. 

When asked what he wants for his birthday, he said "uh huh" to just about everything we suggested.

Franny said that for her birthday she wants a blue daddy-horsey to go with her pink mommy horsey, that way her and YoYo can both ride at the same time. She added that YoYo is not very good at jumping while on the horse. She also said that she wants a baby doll like Auntie Chel so her baby and my baby can be friends. She informed us that she has a lot of friends. Franny predicted that Auntie Chel is going to have a little baby girl with blonde hair.

It was confirmed that Franny likes black olives. This was discovered when she saw me eating around them on my plate and said, "I like those". I responded with, "What?" She then proceeded to grab the olives off my plate and say "THEESE!" I asked her if YoYo likes olives, she said, "no". I wasn't sure if this was a ploy so she didn't have to share them with him, so I gave him one, (he did keep pointing at my plate like he wanted one). It was true. YoYo does not like black olives. 

Spaghetti mustaches': The new "in" look

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, nobody I had lunch with rocked a pasta 'stache like Franny! That sounds like a fun business lunch.
