Friday, October 28, 2011

13 Weeks

Ringlet is officially 13 weeks in fetus age. When I did the 12 week post, I had a plum for breakfast. Ironically, this morning I had a peach. I think I might avoid pineapple and watermelon for a few months...

Here are Ringlet's stats:
Roughly the size of a peach. Almost 3 inches in length. Has developed vocal chords and fingerprints.

My facebook news feed leads me to believe that there will be a lot of other April/May 2012 babies. Maybe a baby-boom is in the works?? 
It seems like about now (13 weeks) is when people start breaking the news to family and friends. Kyle and I have decided to wait until Thanksgiving; that way we'll be able to tell people in person (there's just something nice about finding out in person, rather than via mass text message, email, or status update).
Kyle and I have no problem keeping the secret a few weeks longer. Though, I think our mom's are ready to tell the world!


  1. Wow! Very exciting how much the little ringlet is growing. I wish Jason and I could be at Thanksgiving for the announcement. I'm ready to tell the world for you guys too! My friends ask about you two and what's new and I have to say "Oh, not much...same old thing" Haha. Far from it! Thanks for the updates Kyle and Michelle, it's so fun to hear what's going on in your life. P.S. I cannot believe how much Yoyo has grown up. I still pictured him as a little baby at your wedding in the mini tux. Haha. Franny and Yoyo are the cutest!

  2. Thanks Kels! I'm starting to think that as soon as I show up to Thanksgiving people will be able to tell... I feel like I keep getting bigger!
