Monday, October 31, 2011

Boy or Girl? Early, Late or On Time?

I’d love to have a list of everyone’s guesses for Ringlet’s gender, birth day and time.
I’d like to document it in their baby book (You know, when I start one)... A special prize for whoever comes closest to the actually birthday and time.

So if you’re reading this blog, please vote! (Yes, that means you too)

We will be finding out the gender as soon as we can, and we’re not telling anyone until we have a sufficient number of guesses :)

For those who believe in old wives tales here are a few facts:
I did not have any morning sickness. None. No nausea, no troubles keeping food down. Nada.
My hair is growing faster.
My skin is worse than when I was a teenager.
If I crave anything, it's Orange Juice.
No food aversions.
Ringlet's heart rate at 10 weeks and 3 days was 174 bpm.
Ringlet has always measured right on track for size.
Our due date is May 4th.

By the way, to post a comment:
Click on the title of this blog post.
Put in your guess.
“For comment as”, select Name/URL.
Put your name under “Name” and leave the URL blank.

Vote now! Boy/Girl? Birthday? Time of Birth?


  1. I think May 8th... and I'm tossed up on girl or boy... with Franny I had a strong craving for Whopper Jr w/cheese, orange juice and cheese fries... but major morning sickness... I'm going to guess boy.

  2. stephenrring@gmail.comOctober 31, 2011 at 3:11 PM

    I'm going to try to comment again - I tried to get the first prediction submitted but apparently did something wrong in posting - A boy on May 12 @ 8:47 A.M.! (Just happens to be my birthday - the time is a random guess) By the way, Michelle, I have been regularly reading the blog and appreciate it - keep up the excellent writing, it is entertaining and informative.

  3. My guess is a boy, on May 11th at 5:00pm. I can't wait to meet him!

  4. I am guessing a girl on May 1st at 10:00am. (Michelle won't be able to wait past the 1st and neither will I)!

  5. Well...I think I'll have to go with May 5 (one of the best days of the year, hehe) at 5:15pm. This is a tough one but I'm going to guess a beautiful little girl :)

  6. i think its gonna be a boy, and arrive on may 3rd at 130am (after a long night of labor). Id say may 4th and he could share a bday with his uncle kevin, but lets face it-kevin arrives to everything early, so of course his nephew will as well.

  7. I was going to say May 5 also, but since Kelly picked that day (not surprisingly!), I'll change it up and go with May 2 at 10:45 a.m. I've had three dreams so far that included our little baby and in all three, the baby was a girl... so that's my guess.

  8. What Kyle failed to mention was that in his dreams, the little baby was talking in complete sentences.

    I'm going to guess a girl as well. I'm guessing April 30th at noon. I agree with Susan, I don't think that I'll be able to wait past the due date... And FYI Christine, it'll be a short (<2 hrs) labor. I don't think I'm up for anything longer than that.

    Thanks for everyone's responses so far. I forgot that we have so many early May birthday's in the family. Kev's on the 4th, Kels is the 5th, (my) David's the 8th and Steve is the 12th... How exciting of the possibility that Ringlet will also have a traditional family early May birthday...

  9. Boy. April 27. 6:12am ET.

  10. good luck with that michelle. im assuming youre also thinking it will be completely painless, he/she will come up impecably clean and not covered in grossness, and youll get a good full nights sleep from then on right?

  11. I am going with a girl on April 28th at 9:15 am. A nice little Saturday.

  12. Ok Michelle and Kyle... May 3rd, 08:05 am ... as for the gender: girl. Mwah!

  13. A boy...born on April 29 at 11:07 pm

  14. I think Baby Girl will be born at 7:19pm on April 24th! Congrats again!!

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