Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lucy Todd Ring

Little Lucy has arrived. And I love her.

Lucy -One Day Old

At Thursday's doctors appointment I was 0cm and 0%. With no symptoms or signs of labor, we scheduled an induction for next week.

Needless to say, I was quite surprised when I started having contractions the next day. Actually, I was in denial. Kyle and I decided to go to the hospital just to make sure and assumed we'd be sent home.

We arrived at the hospital at around 9:45pm on Friday. It appeared as though little Lucy recieved her eviction notice and was going to try for an on time delivery. She was born at 4:38 am on Saturday (just barely missing her due date).

As we predicted, she was born with a full head of hair. She aced all of her baby tests and we were able to bring her home after her required 48 hour hospital stay.

 I love to just watch all of her faces. Her scrunched up "Mr. Magoo" face, the neck extended turtle face,  her grin whenever she puts her fingers in her mouth (one of her favorites), and her "you have 15 seconds to fix this before I start crying" face.

She is a super happy baby. She hasn't been crying much and has been pretty go with the flow (for now). She had her three day old check up today. She has gained weight and appears to be a healthy little girl.

We couldn't be happier for this amazing blessing. I am so thankful for our new little family.

First Family Photo


  1. I can see why you love her so much! What an angel. I love all her expressions...she's so alert for a newborn. Most 1 day old pics they have to put a headband on with a bow on it, Haha. The first pic might be my favorite...but really how can you choose?! Congrats Michelle and Kyle. You are wonderful parents already.

  2. Lucy is indeed a blessing! Nana was able to spend the day with her yesterday...and yes, she is as huggable and sweet as she appears in her photos. Even though I sang off key, Lucy smiled and enjoyed the songs I sang to her while we danced around the living room. (OK, maybe it was just gas that made her smile, but she was very content and happy!) I love her!!!
