Thursday, May 31, 2012

Big Brother, Reggie

I walked to school (uphill, both ways). My friends used to laugh at me, because if there was a dog walking towards us (even if it was leashed, with it's owner, and smaller than a loaf of bread), I'd cross the street to avoid having to walk anywhere near the dog. Yes, I did this even as a sophomore in High School. I was afraid of dogs. I never understood how anyone could "love" a dog.

Well, that all changed, once this guy came into my life:
Reggie is still a puppy, he'll turn 2 in July. We were a little worried about how Reggie would do once Lucy got here. Would he be jealous? Too much energy? Would we have to give Lucy back?

When I went into labor, my parents picked up Reggie and Savannah and brought the pups to their house for two or three days. In fact, my mom sent me a photo of their car ride with the dogs:

Someone at my parents house must have given Reggie a pep-talk. Because, he is so timid and gentle around Lucy. There's a totally different side of him that I had never seen before. He likes to smell her feet and share his toys with her. His favorite is to drop a toy on her while she's on her playmat. I think that in a few years, they're going to be the best of friends.
Reggie meets Lucy
Reggie waiting as I feed Lucy
Somedays I feel guilty, a lot of my "Reggie-time" has become "Lucy-time", but somehow he seems to let me know that he understands.
My "first child"

1 comment:

  1. Aw what a cute post! I'm so glad reggie's been a good big brother...and you didn't have to give Lucy back :)

    p.s. in case I haven't said it enough, Lucy might just be the cutest ever!
