Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day...

Happy Mother's Day to my amazing mom  and mom-in-law. They have been absolute saints this last week. They came over and cooked us just about every meal; cleaned our house cleaner than we ever keep it; and cuddled and cuddled (and cuddled some more) Lucy. I don't think Kyle or I have done the dishes for over a week! Thank you moms. We appreciate all that you've done for us. You truly are the best!

I had my very first mother's day. *tear*. It started with this:
Breakfast in Bed for Mother's Day
I finally figured out what my mom meant all those years, that the best mother's day present was us. Because Lucy is hands down the best gift I've ever received.

Speaking of Lucy, please prepare yourself for an excessive amount of first week photos...

We have the world's happiest baby. She usually gives us a grunt and look of discomfort at least 15 seconds prior to crying; thus giving us every opportunity to fix the situation at a comfortable decibel. She is very alert, and likes when her daddy reads her the book "White on Black" (no it's not about hate crimes). She is a very smiley newborn with a FULL head of hair. Seriously, I've never seen so much hair on a newborn.

Lucy usually sleeps 3-4 hours at a time, though I think she'd sleep even longer if I wasn't waking her up for meals. We've been living by the itzbeen that we received. (For those who don't know what that is, it is a timer to remind forgetful, sleep deprived, mothers to wake their sleeping baby for a feeding).

Well, I gave you your warning. Here come a whole lotta Lucy pictures:
Bad Hair Days aren't suppose to start at birth
My mom has no clue how to style hair
First photo with daddy
First photo with momma
Hanging out with daddy on his day off

A good looking duo

Feed Me...
Nuna put these silly socks on my hands so I'd stop scratching my face

Sometimes I wonder if she thinks I'm crazy yet...

1 comment:

  1. I love all these photos. I look at them every day to get my Lucy fix.
