Friday, April 27, 2012

One Week til May 4th

I had extra vacation days to use up before my maternity leave. I kept pushing them back, because something always seemed to come up at work. Well, I finally put my foot down and took off last Friday and Monday. I cleaned the house, washed the floors, and made a big dent in my “to-do” list. Kyle asked if I had gotten that “nesting” instinct. Unfortunately, it was just a “wow, I’m bored with nothing better to do” instinct. I wish I had the desire to clean and tidy up my home, but nope, this was a long overdue and forced scrubbing.

After hand washing the kitchen floor, our 11 year old golden retriever, Savannah decided to poop right in the middle of it. I'm not sure what she was trying to tell me or what signal she was sending, but it allowed me the opportunity to wash the floor twice.

I sometimes wonder what our dogs do when we’re not around. So, I let them outside and spied on them from my bedroom window. This is a short clip into the lives of Savannah and Reggie, when they think no one’s watching. As you might notice, they're two very different dogs.

Only 1 week until Lucy's due date. For a while I thought she'd be early. Then I thought she'd show up right on her due date at noon. After yesterday's dr. appointment, I'm now thinking that she'll have to be forced out a week and a half after her due date. No effacement and zero dilation. As my mother-in-law said, Lucy must just feel happy and safe inside. (Or maybe she's afraid of that crazy dog in the video).

Oh by the way, for you foodies, Lucy's the size of a wintermelon. I've never had one before, and after wikipedia-ing it, I'm not really in a hurry to try one.

1 comment:

  1. kev and i just laughed out loud-not only at the week and a half late comment, but at the video too. in the words of kev, "that dogs just crazy-hes not even running after anything" :-) maybe lucy will wait until we get back from australia to come out. Kev says he doesnt want her stealing his birthday anyway...
