Thursday, January 26, 2012

Too Much Good Ice?

Kyle is a self-proclaimed expert on "good ice". He rates Pizza Hut as having the best ice. Round fountain drink ice is also at the top, followed by cubed fountain drink ice. Towards the bottom of the list is bagged purchased ice that started as a chunk of that's been broken down to pieces. At at the very bottom of the list is the dreaded... Non-filtered, homemade freezer ice. 

Kyle and his brother have an extensive critiquing procedure and rating system for all ice. So at lunch today, I was worried when my ice-ing skills came into question. He stated that my ice to soda ratio is far too high. Too much ice? Is there such a thing? 

He admits that good ice will make any drink taste better. However, he was concerned that I need to refill my soda too often due to the amount of space that the ice takes up. This then takes away from the satisfaction that the ice is providing. He stated that there just might be a preferred soda to ice ratio that will minimize your trips to the refill station while providing enough good ice to maximize your taste buds.

So, is there such thing as too much good ice? He said that we will need to wait for the other "ice-expert" (his brother) to shed some light on the dilemma...


  1. I feel that the optimal ratio is 3.5:1, soda:ice; therefore, I'm on the less ice side. I'm not sure where Kyle & David got this need to quantify & debate trivial things.

  2. Please don't tell me you guys believe that there's actually a science to this? Stop the insanity... It's just ice :)

  3. Or just get a drink that's cold in the first place and you don't have to worry about ice at all. :)
