Monday, December 5, 2011

Holiday Gifting...

This year Kyle and I are cutting back on our Christmas shopping. With Ringlet on the way, we’re putting all extra $$ towards either things we’ll need (diapers, bottles, and butt creams) or things that I really want for her (hardwood flooring).
This year, in lieu of the traditional gift exchange, my family is doing a CD exchange. Steve and Susan are going to be contributing as well. Each person makes a CD of whatever kind of music they want (a holiday mix, your latest favorite artist, a Gym mix, or whatever you think up). You make 10 copies and at Christmas you give each person a copy of whatever you compiled. I’m excited to hear what kind of songs everyone else picks. Possibly, some music I wouldn’t have otherwise thought of??
In addition to forgoing having to purchase a lot of family gifts, I also decided to make my niece’s Christmas gift this year… Handmade finger puppets (I made a set for Ringlet too). 
Saturday's creation


  1. nicely done, michelle. i think our first roddenlet will require a bunny.

  2. I think a little Roddenlet would require at least a handful of bunnies :)
