Thursday, March 27, 2014

Dear Nolan - 3 Months

Dear Nolan,

You are growing so big! You have the best little laugh and cutest voice. You just love to talk and smile. Your smile melts my heart and your laugh is contagious. I find myself just talking to you in baby talk for what seems like hours just to hear your little voice.

Your eyes are still blue, and I keep waiting for them to turn brown. You have such beautiful eyes and they always light up whenever you hear my voice. You’ve started to turn your head when you hear your daddy or I talking.

You only sleep well in two places. In your lamb swing or snuggled right up against your mama. Unfortunately the lamb swing only goes up to about 25 pounds, and I’m pretty sure daddy is only going to let you sleep in our bed for so long. So hopefully you can figure out how to sleep in your cradle or your crib sometime in the near future. But for now, you can continue to be my little snuggle buddy.

You still cry. A lot. Very loudly. You kind of sound like an alarm clock. Sometimes you will cry for absolutely no reason. And all of a sudden you will instantly go to laughing, and then back to crying and then to laughing again. I think that sometimes you’re just not sure if you want to be happy or mad.

You don’t like to be put down, unless it’s on your play mat. When on your mat, you will just swing your arms at the birds and just laugh when you hit one.

I love watching you grow each day. I’m so lucky to have you as my son.

I’ll always love you anyway,

Your mama

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