Saturday, March 1, 2014

Dear Nolan - 2 Months

Dear Nolan,

My whole life, I always wanted to someday have a little baby boy. And I love you more than I would've ever imagined. The neatest thing is, you love me just as much. You have what I call "mama-radar". You can be fast asleep, and if I even attempt to move more than 3 feet away from you, you'll wake up and let me know that I'm not allowed to leave your side.

My favorite thing is to just snuggle you. You like to lay on my chest or on my arm. You sleep so soundly when someone is holding you. You've started to enjoy your swing, but you still would prefer the human contact.

You're still our lazy little boy. During tummy time, you prefer to just put your head down and whine until someone picks you up. You often fall asleep half way through nursing. Often, when we hold you, you won't hold your head up (though, you are completely capable of doing so).

Sometimes we refer to you as a little "butt". That's because you can often be a butt. You will cry and and grunt whenever you don't get your way. Daddy and I have to sleep in separate rooms (you with me and him with Audrey), because otherwise he wouldn't get any sleep. Often, you will nurse to the point that you take some of Audrey's milk, only to spit a good portion of it up. You're starting to get a little better, but you can sure be a pain in the butt sometimes.

You love to talk, laugh and smile. I've never seen a baby coo as much as you do. When I talk to you, we can have a whole conversation. You always laugh at my jokes :)

You are growing right on track. At your two month check up you weighed 11 pounds 5 ounces. You were still pretty short and had a fairly large head (72 percentile). Though, I guess that's not that big compared to both of your sisters!

I love your big blue-gray eyes. I love your excessive craddle cap. And I love your stinky farts. I love you so much, and I love watching you grow. 

I'll always love you anyway,

Your Mama

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