Saturday, March 1, 2014

Dear Audrey - 2 months

Dear Audrey,

You are 2 months old and such an easy baby. You eat well. You sleep well. And you have stayed very healthy. You are a happy baby, and you are growing so big! At your two month check up you weighed 10 pounds 14 ounces.

Daddy likes to hold you while he watches sports on TV. You enjoyed sleeping on his chest while he watched some of the winter Olympic events.  Daddy claims you like to watch action movies with him too!

You are definitely our little overachiever. You can almost sleep through the night at only two months old. You also can hold your head up for minutes when you lay on your tummy. Lucy and I love to lay on the floor with you while you do your "tummy time". You don't cry very much, but when you do, it is the cutest little wimper, with just a slight quiver. When you do cry, it's because you're either hungry, wet, or just want to be held. You are very easy to please.

You make some pretty silly faces that make us laugh.  There are times that your looks remind me of Lucy.  There are other looks that are uniquely your own!

You like to look around and take everything in.  Your eyes are usually on the move, observing and absorbing everything.  I think you are going to be very smart.

Thank you for your patience.  There are times when your brother is upset and your sister is active and in need of supervision.  During those times, we can always count on you to make our life a little easier.  You will sit in your swing and just the watch the action, almost like you're thinking, "you guys take care of things and then come get me when you get a chance."

We love your calmness and sweetness, your warmth and beauty.  You are such a blessing in our lives, Audrey.

I'll always love you anyway,

Your Mama

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