Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dear Audrey - 1 month

Dear Audrey,

I can't believe that you're already a month old! I debated asking Nuna to write this post, since you two have already developed quite a bond. At night she usually will take you into her room and you will lay with her while she calls papa or one of her sisters. You can recognize her voice immediately.

You are such an easy baby. Though you usually look a bit scared, you are content just looking around while awake. You love to be held and you hate having a dirty diaper!

Your sister Lucy likes to say your name and rock your cradle. Sometimes we have to remind her not to rock it too hard!

I love to kiss your soft cheeks and wrinkled forehead. You are such a little sweetheart. I love you so much!

I'll always love you anyway,

Your momma

1 comment:

  1. This is your 1 month song, it isn't very long, hey! Thanks for the smiles:) Know you are loved.
