Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 222

Either I've got it good or some pregnant women complain... A LOT. 
Kyle and I attended our first childbirth class at Union Hospital last night. The instructor started by having the women list their symptoms, and the list went on, and on, and on...
and on...
and on. Luckily Lucy hasn't been giving me too much trouble. The class was informative and goes on for 6 more Tuesdays (only 5 more for Kyle, since he will probably skip the breast feeding class). The instructor had a fake baby that was the size of a baby born at 28-30 weeks, he was way too tiny. We decided that Lucy needs to cook for at least another 7 or 8 weeks. I telepathically sent her the memo.

I've been feeling much better and am finally over whatever it was that I had the last few weeks.

Poor Man's March has been... trying. I've used up one fast food credit. I also cheated this morning and stopped at Starbucks. Then I convinced Kyle to stop too, so I didn't feel so bad. We had to buy the dogs food (I think they might be our  largest expense after restaurants!) We've done well at cooking at home, using up items in our pantry/freezer and eating left overs. I've been tempted to buy some things, but I've banked them in the back of my head as "things to buy on April 1st". Hopefully by April 1st I'll have either forgotten about them or realized that we don't really need them.

Tonight we're going to go to Indy to look at a few Nissan Xterras. Every time we find a car we like, it sells before we can even go look at it. This time we're not dilly dallying around. Hopefully we find something we like at a reasonable price.


  1. I can see an "Acquisition April" coming.

  2. Thanks for the great blog posting. Dilly, Dally...that's a phrase my mother always said.

  3. We didn't even make it to April! Like I said, we weren't going to dilly dally this time :) My mom says "Dilly Dally" a lot too. Must be where I get it from.
