Thursday, March 22, 2012

34 weeks

Little Lucy is now 34 weeks. Yep, the size of a durian. I won't even comment about this weeks fruit/veggie obscureness. All I know is that I'm thankful that she's a lot smoother than that prickly kooshball!
My bump keeps growing. Every morning I wake up and my belly feels harder, and every night it becomes harder to get any sleep. That's probably because I've got almost a 5 pounds real moving person in there.

Lucy is a super super super active baby.  The doctor warned me, to let him know if there's any decrease in her movement, or if I don't feel her move for a long period of time. I had to ask, "is there such thing as too much movement?" because I don't think she ever stops moving!

And here's yesterday's photo of my bump (or bulge)...

Only about 6 weeks left...

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