Wednesday, February 8, 2012

27w4d check-up

Little Ringlet is almost 28 weeks.

Her doctor’s appt yesterday went ok. She’s in the breach position, so they were able to get some nice photos of her teenie tiny face. Hopefully she’ll move out of that position in the next couple of weeks.

She weighs over 2 pounds and is in the 45-50 percentile. Her length measured in at 28 weeks. The ultrasound tech called her our little “over-achiever”. You could see her little diaphragm moving up and down, meaning that she’s already practicing her breathing.

I found out that I anti-failed the Glucose Challenge Test.
How the test works: A nurse checks your blood sugar, then you drink a whole bunch of sugary orange drink, wait an hour, and the nurse checks your blood sugar again.

The range is for the second test should be between 80-130, with anything over 130 being an F. Well, mine came back in the 60’s which means that my blood sugar level actually dropped. I figured that was an “A+” but the dr. started using big words like “hypoglycemia” and some other acronyms that I can’t remember; then he said, “eat more small meals”. I understood that part, and am starting today.

He gave me a prescription for my heartburn. However if my chest pains don’t go away we’ll have to do an “EKG” (what is with these doctors and their acronyms, they’re worse than a 14 year old girls text message).

He wasn’t sure why my left eye keeps twitching, but I googled it, and it means good fortune is on it’s way. So I’m going to just stick with that.

Here are a few photos of little Ringlet:


  1. Michelle, she is adorable!!!! I think doctors like to scare you sometimes. I think having a little bit lower blood suagr has to be better than having too high! You look great and your little Ringlet is precious! I can't wait to meet her and set up playdates! :)

  2. Now that's more what I originally expected - I'm calling that top photo a wave.

  3. OH, Michelle and Kyle, she is beautiful!! I can't stop looking at the first cute. Hope the medicine and smaller meals helps the heartburn.

  4. Wow! What amazing pictures. I'm so happy to hear that she's doing well and I'm glad you were able to understand some of what those doctors said's not easy! Haha.

  5. WOW is right! Maybe she'll be a lefty?!
