Thursday, February 2, 2012

27 weeks and feeling fine... (for the most part)

Little Ringlet is at 27 weeks. We have an appointment on Tuesday, which should include an ultrasound to make sure she's growing. That's good, because I feel like it's been FOREVER since I last saw her.

The bump has her at the size of a cauliflower. 

I love baby hiccups. It's our little bonding moment that tells me she's in there trying to learn how to breathe. I think that pregnancy has gotten easier now that I can feel her move around. It's been a little reassurance that things are still progressing like they should.

I've been having a few chest pains and periodically a shortness of breath. A tad bit of heartburn. But otherwise we're still just trekking along.

1 comment:

  1. 13.6 to 14.8 in.! No wonder a foot pushes outward occasionally.
