Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dear Nolan – 10 months

Dear Nolan,

Your daddy has come up with so many nicknames for you. He calls you “Benadryl”, since just about any new food seems to give you a rash. He calls you “Captain Spit Up”, since you choke and vomit up well cut up, small foods. He calls you a “Mama’s boy”, since well… let’s just say your mama is your favorite person on Earth.

You are such a snuggler too. While your sisters want to go play, you prefer to be held and snuggled. You’ll let a complete stranger snuggle you (if they’re your only option). Miss Taylor (our nanny) loves when you just want to sit and snuggle. And you usually are more than happy to oblige.

You are such a happy little guy in the morning. You have finally started to sleep better at night too.

You got your first two teeth… finally. For a few days you kept grabbing your ear, so (assuming you had an ear infection) I took you to the doctor. They asked me if you had any teeth yet, and I told them “no”. Well we opened your mouth, and there were two bottom teeth. The teeth must have surfaced that night. Obviously, I’m not in the running for any Mom of the Year award. Maybe 2015 will be better.

You do make me feel loved and needed. You cry… a lot. Especially when you want to be held. I will be trying to potty train Lucy, or feed Audrey, or run a load of laundry. You will just crawl (and cry) and follow me around until I turn around, bend down and pick you up. You will smile, and give me a big hug and lay your head on my shoulder. When I hold and hug you, it reminds me that all of those little things in life don’t really matter. Thank you for the reminder. And thank you for loving me.

I will always love you anyway,

Your mama

1 comment:

  1. I just love this post about 10 month old Nolan. Love you, happy boy!!
