Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dear Audrey – 10 months

Dear Audrey,

My little Audge Podge, you are getting so big, too fast!

You love to do whatever your big sister is doing. When she is coloring, you like to hold a marker of your own. You instantly go to the refrigerator to take down whatever picture she just hung up. You are already trying to walk and talk just like her.

On the other hand, you fear whatever your twin brother is doing. When he starts crawling towards you, you look at him, and then you look at me, and give me this look of “, please save me!” And I don’t blame you. He likes crawling ON TOP OF YOU. He pulls your hair. He nudges you off the furniture that you both are holding onto. You are definitely much nicer to him than he is to you.

You can take about 8-10 steps in a row. You have excellent balance. You also like to applaud. Whenever someone says “Yay!” you instantly start clapping. You are Lucy’s personal cheerleader. She likes to cheer you on too. She will tell you “Audrey say ‘mama’” and you will respond with “, ma-ma-ma-ma”. Then you will both start laughing and cheering :)

You like to help load the dishwasher, and you are still such a little sweetheart. You’ve started to develop a “stranger danger” and you prefer to be held by your mama, daddy, nuna, or nana. When a stranger says “hi” to you, you just turn to me and cry.

Everything instantly goes in your mouth. You will try to eat anything. When Auntie Chris and Maeve were in town, you would make Auntie Chris laugh so hard with your “closet eating”. You had found a cup of cherrios that Lucy didn’t finish. You hid behind the chair eating them. You are awfully skinny for how much you eat. You get very angry if I give you a “taste” of something and not give you the entire plate. You have put your hands into a lot of your daddy’s plates of food, and spilled a few cups of beverages trying to get to more food!

I love you so much little Audrey. From you whimper and quivering lip to your belly laugh and cheerful smile. You are the most beautiful little girl. You light up my life.

I will always love you anyway,

Your mama

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Audrey!! Your mother has me calling you Audge Podge now. You and Nolan are growing up so fast.......just love you both so much!
