Friday, June 13, 2014


The psychologists will tell you that as parents of multiples, it is important that you don’t compare your children and their milestones. To that, I say “Scoreboard”.

Here are the standings:

First to be born: Audrey

First to lift their head: Audrey

First to rollover (back to front): Audrey

First to rollover (front to back): Nolan

First to sleep through the night: Audrey (three months later, we’re still waiting on Nolan to show signs)

First to poop 5 times in one day: Audrey

First to poop on your mama: Nolan

First to smile: Nolan

First to sit up: Audrey

First to spit up an entire feeding: Nolan

First to polish off a container of baby food: Nolan

First to reach 19 pounds: Nolan

First to move from point A to point B: Nolan. I won’t call it crawling. It’s more of an inchworm maneuver. He pushes his head into the floor and moves his legs forward and flops back to the ground, and then repeats. He’s actually pretty good at this move.

So far it’s 7-6 Nolan. Audrey’s going to have to bring out her A-game in the second half (of their first year)…


  1. too cute, i vote for a video on the inchworm move.

  2. I think Audrey should get 10 bonus points for sleeping through the night.

  3. Hahaha, Michelle you have the best posts! I agree with Nuna, bonus points for Audrey :)
