Sunday, April 27, 2014

Dear Audrey - 4 Months

Dear Audrey,

Wow. You are already 4 months old. You are still an over achiever and continue to sleep through the night. You try to make things as easy on your mama and daddy as possible. Sometimes you’ll be upset, and if we can’t get to you right away, you’ll just fall asleep. At your 4 month checkup we asked the doctor if there is a point that a baby could sleep too much.
Luckily, no; God must’ve just wanted to give us an easy baby.

You are rolling over and passing every milestone. You love
to suck on your fingers and haven’t used your paci for over a month. You have the most beautiful brown eyes and you like to watch your brother and sister. Lucy loves to share her blocks (legos) with you. Usually she gives you all the
people and she keeps all of the animals. You don’t seem to mind.

You enjoy taking warm baths and being outside. I love just
holding you on my side, as you hold your head up so well. Often times, you’ll
“help” me unload the dishwasher, change over the laundry or vacuum. You are
already becoming my little helper. You are very special to me and I love you
very much.

I’ll always love you anyway,

Your mama

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