Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Still pregnant....

My little overachieving duo was scheduled to arrive any day. That's ANY DAY now. So any day they could've come. I mean, any day, as in today, tomorrow, yesterday, three days before that. I think you get the point. I've realized that I'm "past due" for twins. Yes, better than not fully cooked, but I'm starting to think these two squatters might be a tad too cozy in there.

The plan is to evict them Friday (pending they don't arrive today or tomorrow). Oh well, better go enjoy my last days of being pregnant. But hopefully no one asks me when I'm due, or at least they get the hint when I reply "oh, any day".

Oh, and a picture of Audrey from our last (and final) ultrasound...


  1. Lucy got the eviction notice...maybe Audrey and Nolan will too! Trying to wait patiently but I'm so excited to meet them :)

  2. Please let us know ASAP...I can't wait!

    Auntie Donna
