Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Happy First Birthday Jacob & Benjamin

Two of my favorite little boys are turning one year old today.
Jacob has become such a handsome little guy. His little tooth-filled grin usually is accompanied by a string of drool and a giggle, and it melts my heart every time.  He has become quite the adventurer. When he seems to be playing contently with the blocks, I turn around, and he’s on the other side of the room using the plant to prop himself up to standing. I’ve never seen him turn down food, and eats just about everything. And once he’s done eating, he takes his hands and wipes them in his hair. This is so cute, when it’s your nephew and not your child (sorry Kels!). Though Jacob comes off as rough and tough, he’s really a momma’s boy at heart. Me holding him won’t soothe him. When Jacob’s upset, I’ve learned it’s best to get him to his mom.
Benjamin just keeps growing. He really looks like a Ring baby. He and Lucy have built a very special bond. She tells him what to do, and he listens. It seems to be working out very well. She loves big family pictures and pointing out "Ben". I think it's another one of her favorite words. I just love holding Benjamin. He is definitely the cuddly type. Though also adventurous, he seems to get him caught in more stickier situations. The other day while at Nana and Papas, I hear a grunting noise, and look over, and Benjamin is caught underneath the stool! Poor guy, it took us 5 minutes to figure out how to get him out! Benjamin is such a little cutie pie. I love just watching him figure out a new toy… Well, that is if Lucy or Jacob don’t take it from him first!
Happy first birthday Jacob and Benjamin! We love you so much!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Auntie Chel you are so wonderful. Thank you for the birthday wishes and sweet comments. We love you and Kyle and Lucy very much! The boys are so excited to meet their new cousins soon too :)
