Sunday, August 11, 2013

Two Very Different Weekends...

Lucy and I have been sick this weekend. So we've pretty much just napped, ate chicken noodle soup, and whimpered about.

Last weekend was much more exciting, so I'll update you with photos from last weekend. You're welcome for not sharing any photos from this weekend.

Last Friday we decided to try something different. We went to the Greek Island restaurant in downtown Indy. The food was good, not very expensive, and the entertainment was priceless. Why this restaurant was so entertaining?

1. The kids meal starts off with a BOX of crayons. Not just three crayons (two of which are usually some form of yellow), but an entire box of at least 10 different colors.

2. There was a girl doing Greek dances with little finger cymbals. Lucy was very impressed. At one point the dancer even had someone play a hand drum while she danced. Lucy kept clapping for her.
Lucy would not look at us, she was too busy checking out this dancing girl!
3. Lucy loved when each table ordered the flaming cheese (it actually has a Greek name, but I can't remember it). Anyhow, they bring a dish of cheese to your table and light it on fire, and the whole place shouts "Opa!" Lucy would raise her hands in the air and yell "Opa!" and slam them down onto the table. The photos below seem to capture the sounds :)
Lucy has reached a point in her life, that whenever she sees a dog she wants to make sure everyone around her is also aware of it's existence
If the flaming cheese and dancing entertainment wasn't enough for one weekend, we followed it up with a trip to the Indianapolis State Fair on Saturday morning. Not quite the same as the Wisconsin State Fair. The Indiana fair seems to have less cheese and more corn. Which by the way, is the BEST CORN I HAVE TASTED IN MY LIFE. No, seriously, I wish I could order that stuff all year round. It may be my new pregnancy craving. There's got to be some sort of top secret to that corn. It was awesome.

Lucy had a great time meeting all of the animals. It was nicely setup and had a lot of activities for kids.

Afterwards, we went to Nana and Papas. We saw Kelly and Jason's new house and I got to cuddle little Jacob and Benjamin.

Overall, a great weekend!

Oh by the way, Lucy has found her belly button. If anyone is curious, just ask her where it is, and she will gladly show you. Just beware, once she shows you hers, she will go looking for yours....


  1. Hope both you and Lucy are feeling better! The photos of Lucy at the restaurant and Fair are great! Lucy has shown me her belly button several times, and she has found mine.
