Tuesday, August 27, 2013

22 Weeks Pregnant

Well I'm just about 22 weeks pregnant. And I feel huge! We had a 20 week appointment with Maternal Fetal Medicine back on the 8/19. Kyle's mom went with, and we watched the ultrasound tech check for every little body part... twice.

Baby Right had an estimated weight of 12 oz. That would put her in the 40th percentile.

Baby Left had an estimated weight of 15 oz. Putting him in the 93rd percentile!

It was very reassuring that they were both growing on track! I was a bit nervous for a minute. The tech kept looking at baby Right's heart. Then she'd go measure something else, and then go back to look at the heart. I was worried something was wrong. After putting myself through the most terrible mind game of "Let's think of all of the worst case scenarios", I finally asked her if there was an issue. She immediately said "Oh no, just not getting a good angle" and that baby Left kept trying to photobomb the picture :). Phew! 

Here are the photos from left and right's twenty week photo shoot:
"Little" Left. I think his profile looks a lot like Lucy!
Baby Right trying to pose for the camera! The tech had troubles getting her pictures and measurements!
Who doesn't like to see itty bitty baby hands?!?
Lucy is growing faster than we can keep up. She's learning all of the different parts of the body, and can mimic the noise of quite a few animals (she's ventured past just the dog). Everyday it's like she's learned three new things!


  1. They are precious! I loved seeing every little body part....twice!

  2. Awww I can't wait to meet my niece and nephew in a few months! Even though its hard on mommy's body, stay in there a long time little left and right :) You're doing so great and look wonderful Michelle! I love watching Lucy grow and learn too...she's so smart and she even learned to say "Aunt Kelly" already (that's what I heard atleast, Hehe).
