Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mom of the Year (Not)

Report (by the time we get home)
I admit it, I will not be in the running for 2012 "mom of the year".  (or chef of the year - see below)

Lucy's preschool sends out daily reports for each child. Everyday on our way out, I hand Lucy her report, and then I let Lucy eat the report. It usually looks like this:
Happy Baby!
Speaking of eating, Kyle and I tried something new. Top Chef, Ring edition. I read about the idea on an investing/saving blog. We had a near empty fridge (and pantry), and didn't want to spend $ on take out. So, we put Lucy in her exersaucer, and let the games begin. We scramble around the kitchen and in our "quickfire setup" we each present what we have created. Here were our results:

My dish: A play on potato egg salad. I used canned potatoes, french onion spices, egg, and brocolli mixed with mayo. This was served with a side of green beans, frozen corn with cream of celery.
Kyle's dish: Olive oil coated pasta, topped with a baked then seared tilapia. This was served with a side of tomato basil soup with meatballs.

Yummm :)


  1. I'm not kidding, I laughed out loud to an empty house when I read the line, "and then I let Lucy eat the report."

    Paper's good for you. Fiber, right?

  2. OK, that's just adorable. E and I were talking about how cute this picture is for about 10 minutes tonight at dinner.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
