Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Dear Lucy - 3 years

Dear Lucy,

Yesterday you turned 3. We celebrated by walking to breakfast at Bub’s (just you, daddy and I), and then we went to the zoo with Nuna, Nana, Papa, Nolan, Audrey, Aunt Kelly (it was her 30th birthday), Jacob, Benjamin, Stacey and Eli. You were smiling the entire day. We had dinner and cake at Nana and Papa’s after the zoo.

You love your grandparents. And they love you. Your bond with your Nana is the strongest bond I’ve ever seen between a grandchild and grandparent. You love to play, draw and read books together. You love when she takes you to the library. You also love your brother and sister. 

You had to become pretty independent much younger than most children. Since I only have two arms, often times you have to walk when you would prefer to be carried. You can get everything ready for breakfast all by yourself. Each night you go to each dresser and get pajamas, and then you get a diaper for each baby, plus lotion. You told me that “getting stuff ready for bedtime is my job”. You are very proud to be able to help.

You have the kindest heart of any child. You constantly think of others first. When I give you a cracker, you always ask if you can also have one for Nolan and Audrey. You often worry about where they are and how they are doing. When your daddy tucks you into your bed at night, you always remind him that he needs to check on Audrey before he leaves.

You and Audrey share a room. I asked if you would prefer that she and Nolan share a room, so that you could have your own room, and you told me “No mama. Audrey and me share a room.”

You are also very smart. You can write your name, read and spell many words, and your memory is impeccable.

You are very polite and you treat others with respect. You always remember to say please and thank you. You are often trying to find a way to make someone else happy. You get concerned if you  see someone who is sad. You do a great job communicating your feelings.

You have become a daddy’s girl. You tell people that you are “daddy’s little princess”, and you are. You guys have lots of “Daddy & Lucy things”, like when you switch the caps on the markers, daddy pretends not to notice and says “I’m just going to use this blue marker” and then he goes to color and it is orange, and you two will laugh and laugh about how you switched the caps. You love to ride on his back and go on “lion hunts” as you guys search for baby lions (AKA Nolan and Audrey). Though, you usually ask to walk, your absolute favorite mode of transportation is on your daddy’s shoulders.

You enjoy playing games. Memory card games and a Daniel Tiger game are your favorites. You put together 48 piece puzzles in minutes by yourself. Lately you’ve been asking to play Go Fish after Nolan and Audrey go to sleep. You also love to play Duck, Duck, Goose and Ring Around the Rosy with your cousins and siblings, though you always ask to be the “line leader” (the phrase you have coined for the person getting to go around the circle saying ‘duck/goose’).

You make me so proud every day. You are selfless and confident. You tell me that you are beautiful, and you are. You are the most beautiful 3 year old, on the inside and outside.

I wish that I could relive this last year over and over again. Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. You bring me so much happiness. I love you so much. I am excited to see all of the things this next year will bring.

I love you, little Goose.

I’ll always love you anyway,

Your mama


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