Friday, January 30, 2015

Dear Audrey – 1 year

Dear Audrey,

Happy first birthday! I’m sorry I’m about a month late writing this, but things got really busy. You turned one, and your big sister threw you a great pool party. All of your grandparents came; most of your cousins, aunts and uncles, and even some friends came. You loved splashing in the water with your Aunt Kelly and Aunt M, though I’m not surprised, as you love the water. You are usually the first kid in the tub and the last kid out. You also love to dance. I don’t know where you get your moves, but you have so many different dances. Some songs you do a fast foot shuffle, and on others you wiggle and shake your hips.

You have made being a mom so easy on me. You are such an easy toddler. I know that you were easy the first few months, and I appreciated that; I just didn’t think that it would continue for so long. Many times we will hear laughing from your room (you and Lucy share a room). It will be you, in your crib, wide awake, playing with your stuffed elephant or your toes. You can just sit in your high chair when you’re done eating and just be content (unlike your brother who will scream, until someone gets him out). You do enjoy feeding your left overs to Reggie, but you usually don’t have any leftovers; Unless it is corn, you do NOT like corn. Every time we have corn, I keep thinking that maybe this time you might like it. And every time you give me a look as if you’re saying “, You know I don’t like this stuff”, and you take it piece by piece and feed it to the dog. Luckily, Reggie DOES like corn.

You are so smart. When we ask you “, How big is Audrey?” You throw your hands in the air and say “SO BIG!” You still love to play peek-a-boo, and you like to put whatever random items you find on your head. When you drop something you say “, uh oh”. You can mimic most sounds and even say “how you doin?” You blow kisses and wave “bye bye”. I can already tell that you are very smart.

You are not really a fan of cuddling. Most times you would rather be walking around and exploring. You especially like to take part in whatever Lucy is doing. She usually lets you too, as you typically don’t take things from her, or mess up what she’s playing with (unlike your brother). The only time that you really cling to me is whenever there is any stranger around. You have major Stranger Danger. If it’s not mama, daddy, or nana, or Aunt Kelly, you are not happy.

You like to watch the Elmo Alphabet DVD and Daniel Tiger. You also like to play catch, and are really good at it too. You love to knock down any tower that I build. But many times your brother or sister beat you to it, but you still laugh. You are also our little dare devil. You will climb on a chair, ladder, ottoman, you name it, you will climb it. You have amazing balance, and typically you don’t ever fall. You just scare the heck out of me, when I turn around and there you are, balancing on something that I’m not sure how you got on top of.

You are my little independent thinker. When you decide you want to do something, you will find a way to do it. And you can get very determined (aka stubborn).

You are usually the first one to sleep and the last one to wake up. Sometimes you wake up early, and I love those times with you. It’s not often that it’s just mama and Audrey. Every night before you go to bed, Lucy and I tell you that:

Audrey is going to do great things.
She is going to treat others with respect.
She is going to love herself.
She is going to stand up for what is right.
Audrey Yoshiko Ring is going to do great things.

I know you don’t understand it now, but I know that you will do great things. You are such a smart and sweet little girl. You are surrounded by a family that absolutely loves you. You are kind to both your brother and sister, and your laugh melts my heart. You get so excited that it’s almost like it’s bursting out of you through your smile.

I love you so very much. I’ve had so much fun with you this first year. I can’t wait to see what this next year brings.

I’ll always love you anyway,


Your mama

1 comment:

  1. You make me smile sweet Audrey!! I love how excited you get when you see me. You mama is right..... Your happiness and excitement exudes from your smile!
