Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Dear Audrey - 8 months

Dear Audrey,

I love love love love your worried little face. You have the cutest expressions. You give out a warning cry just before Nolan climbs on you and tries to attack you. You take a few spills here and there, but not too many, as you’re a little more reserved on going from furniture to furniture.

Your first tooth came in while you and Lucy were spending the night at Nana and Papa’s. You gave them a scare as your temperature spiked and you just weren’t your normal, content self.

I’ve never seen a little kid love TV as much as you. You will turn your head so far, to find any television that is on (just the thought of it, makes my neck hurt). You love when your sister watches Daniel the Tiger or Sesame Street. You like the parts with music the best.

You continue to pay attention to details. You do a good job picking up small pieces of food and putting them in your mouth. Daddy needs to use an extra spoon when feeding you baby food, as you like to commandeer one for you to hold yourself. You don’t eat a lot (compared to your brother), and you either love or greatly dislike most foods.

Your favorite noise to make is “ma-ma-ma-ma” and it melts my heart. You’re not a mama’s girl or a daddy’s girl either. You’re an independent little girl, and I hope you always stay that way. Don’t get me wrong, your mama and daddy both love you very much, but you just don’t “need” us in the way many babies need their parents. You fall asleep on your own and continue to be our best sleeper. You insist on holding your own bottle. There are times that all you want is to NOT be held. You know what you want, and once you get it, you’re a happy little girl.

I’ve started to call you “Audge Podge” and Lucy loves to call you “Audge Podge” too. She’ll say it and then laugh. Then her laughing will cause you to smile and laugh. And the whole situation is one that I want to try to remember forever. I love my children so much. Thank you for all the joy that you bring to our lives.

I’ll always love you anyway,

Your mama


  1. Audrey, you are such a sweetheart. The other day I got home from work and you were sitting on the blanket in the living room. As soon as you saw me, you started crawling as fast as you could toward me. It absolutely made my day. We love you so much. - Daddy

  2. Ok. Since you haven't written Nolan's yet, ill do it.

    Dear Nolan,

    We love you. Now go back to sleep.

    Mom & Dad
