Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Dear Nolan - 6 Months

Dear Nolan,

You continue to challenge us every day. You are inch-worming and rolling all over the place. Anything that you are not suppose to have, you will find a way to get to. Your favorite toys are not actually toys, but more likely, someone else’s hair, any dog toy (especially if it’s covered in dog hair or slobber), or something that Lucy is currently playing with. You like to bang on things like they're a drum and you have no qualms about rolling right on top of Audrey.

You still won’t sleep through the night and you can have transitioned from crying to screeching really really loud.

You are following in your big sister's footsteps and are a short, fat kid, with a big head. At your 6-month check-up you were:
Height: 25" (3%)
Weight: 19# (73%)
Head Size: 17.75cm (93%)

You are such a smiley guy (when you're not screaming in anger). Sometimes you will go from raging mad to happy just by someone making a move towards you that makes you think you're about to be picked up. I love when you and Audrey sit up facing each other and "baby-talk" and laugh at each other. It usually goes really well until she tries to eat your face or you head butt her.

You are my little son and I love you so much. You make me feel loved by always wanting me to hold you. I keep reminding myself that you will only be little for so long, and before long you will want to be doing things yourself and won’t need me to be constantly holding and coddling you. So as much work as it can be, I’m enjoying every minute of it while it lasts.

I'll always love you anyway,

Your mama

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