Monday, May 5, 2014

Dear Lucy - 2 years

Dear Lucy,
Thank you for filling the best two years of my life with all
of your smiles, laughs, and love. You have changed me for the better. You make
me want to be selfless. You give my life more meaning than I ever knew possible.
Every day (I haven’t missed one yet) I tell you that you are going to “Great Things”.  I tell you that you are going to:

Treat others with respect
Love yourself
And stand up for what is right

And together we say that “, Lucy Ring is going to do Great Things.”
It doesn’t matter if you can run the fastest, spell the longest word, or get into the most prestigious colleges. What is most important to your daddy and I, is that you have self confidence and treat others with respect. And you do every single day. You have become such a sweetheart. When daddy puts you to bed at night, your first instinct is to remind him that Nolan and Audrey will both need a bottle. You are always so concerned about your brother and sister. If Nolan is crying, you run to get him his blankie. If Audrey is sad you'll say ", no cry Audrey". You want everyone to be happy. 

You love to make your mama and daddy happy too. You are such a good listener. We don't have to discipline you. You like to follow the rules, and you are proud of yourself when you do the right thing. You make great choices, and when you stray off, we can usually bribe you with chocolate. 

You amaze me with how quickly you learn new things.  You know all of your alphabet (both upper case and lowercase) and you can even spell your name (though you still refer to yourself as "Nini"). You pick up on everything that your daddy and I say. We've resorted to spelling words, in hopes that we can sneak something by you, but nope; You know that I-P-A-D spells iPad and E-L-M-O spells Elmo. Your favorite letter is “W”, and you like to turn “W’s” upside down to make them into a “M for Mama”. Your laugh makes me smile (even your fake laugh). You are so loved. You are the center of your daddy's world. You guys love to play. And when you have your choice of mama or daddy, you almost always choose daddy (unless you're hurt, then you usually choose mama). You spend a lot of time with your Nana and Papa. You and Nana spend every Thursday and Friday together. When we asked you what you wanted to do for your birthday, your immediate response was ", Nana home?!?" You have learned to play well with your cousins Jacob and Ben. You love to follow around Frannie and laugh at Yoshi (especially his funny faces). Your Nuna likes to sing you "this old man" and your Papa Bielick makes you laugh when he face times you on your iPad. 

You love your family so much. You have such a good heart and you make me so proud every day. I think that you inherited your daddy’s kindness, and my determination. I have a feeling that combination will help you achieve Great Things.
I’m excited to see what this next year brings.

I’ll always love you anyway,

Your mama


  1. Happy 2nd Birthday, Lucy!! Papa and I had such fun helping you celebrate your happy birthday at the zoo. We love you soooooo much!

  2. Yay! Happy Second Birthday Lucy!
