Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Squatters Have Grown…

Oh how things have changed now that I have a one year old. When I was pregnant with Lucy, I'd post about my ultrasounds and appointments within a few hours.
Well I'm a bit behind, so I'll report both updates in one posting. Two weeks ago I had an  8 1/2 week appointment. Both Left and Right were doing well. They both measured right on track. Left had a heartbeat of 168. Right's heartbeat was one point higher at a 169. The nurse thought that they both looked great.
Close up of Left
Little Left and Right
 Well today we got to see them again (see I'm already doing better at prompt posting), and they looked like real little babies (not just alien blobs). Right was very active and kept kicking left in the head. After a few kicks, Left started throwing his arms around.
It was so neat to see both babies growing right on track. Left measured 3.49cm and Right measured 3.92cm. Right's heartbeat was 157 bpm and Left's was 158 bpm. (Lucy was 3.46cm at her 10 week and 3 days appointment with a heartbeat of 174).
I don't go for another ultrasound until 20 weeks! I just have to trust that they both keep growing. (And to think that I thought 2 weeks was a long wait).
As for me, I'm still feeling fine. No cravings or morning sickness. A little bit of heartburn. I've had some cramping. That had me worried, since I never had that with Lucy, but the doctor said that it's pretty normal with multiples and that I just need to take it easy... I'm not sure exactly how to "take it easy" when I have a 13 month old running around destroying things, but I'm trying....
*Note - Destroying includes: pulling everything off of the shelves, putting her toys in the dogs' water dish, and making a mess wherever she goes. Some say that's just being a one year old. She will grow out of this, right??

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