Saturday, April 6, 2013

Dear Lucy - 11 Months

Dear Lucy,

I can't believe you're already 11 months old! For the first time in my life, I've started to wonder, "where has time gone". I guess that you've made me realize that life goes by pretty fast when you're having fun!

This last month, you've grown up so much. Yesterday you took 2-3 steps! You're growing more everyday. One of our favorite rituals is to brush our teeth (both of yours) together.

It seems like everyday you learn something new. You learned to crawl fast, clap your hands, blow kisses, wave hello and good bye, and your cousin yoshi even taught you to pick your nose.

Your face lights up when Reggie comes near. Sometimes you'll just sit on my lap and Reggie will put his head on my lap next to you. You will take your cheeks and rubs them against Reggie's soft ears and look up at me and giggle. I think he's your best friend. You like to try to sneak him some of your food when I'm not looking.

You are as cute as a button, and any button will encapsulate all of your attention. That goes for zippers, ribbons, or tags too.

You can find the smallest freckle. You like to try to wipe them away with one finger.

Luckily you still love to be held at night. One night, you were asleep, so dadda put you in your crib for the night. A little while later he saw me holding you; he asked ", did she wake up?" I said ", no, but I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to just hold her while she sleeps." and so there I sat just holding and staring at my perfect little baby girl.

Please don't grow up too fast. I love you just the way you are.

I'll always love you anyway,

Your momma


  1. Great post Mama! We love you!!

  2. Love, love, love the photo! What a wonderful 11th month celebration of Lucy!
