Saturday, February 23, 2013

When you can only pick one...

Kyle, Lucy and I went to get Lucy's photos taken. One of the things I really want to do as a mother, is a get few professional photos from a child's first few years. Remember these? (and yes, that's the same white chair; CRAZY how fast the chairs shrink!)

We're on a super strict budget, so we could only pick one picture this time.

Luckily (or unluckily for the photographer), Lucy is going through a "stranger danger" phase, so it's not like there were hundreds of good ones to choose from this time. The photographer, Kyle, and I all picked a different "favorite" shot. I'm curious, which picture would you have chosen?

Photo #1
Photo #2

Photo #3

Photo #4
Photo #5
Photo #6

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Meet Benjamin and Jacob!

I have the world’s cutest niece and nephews. This weekend Lucy and I met Benjamin and Jacob. They are the happiest little babies. They’re both pretty chill guys!
Here’s Lucy meeting them for the first time:

And here is Jacob: This guy is absolutely precious. Jacob and I enjoy our staring contests and he likes to hold my finger with his super long fingers!

And here is Benjamin: He’s a scrappy little guy. He melts your heart with his beautiful blue eyes. But be careful, because this guy likes to squirm! He definitely wanted me walking when being held too. I think he was interested in seeing everything going on!


Nana and Papa with their grandchildren:


It was so great to meet you Benjamin and Jacob! Your Auntie Chel loves you both so much!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Dear Lucy - 9 Months

Dear Lucy,
Tomorrow you turn nine months old! Another month older and again you have found a way to amaze me even more. You have started not only crawling, but climbing as well. You’ve managed to pull yourself up to standing. We’re pretty sure that your first word is “mama”, though you haven’t learned to associate the word with me. (But I’m counting it anyways).
Daddy and Nuna took you to your 9 month check up today. You weigh exactly 20 pounds and are 27” tall. You are in the 25th percentile for height, 75th percentile for weight and 96th percentile for head size. We like to joke that we have a “short, fat baby with a big head”. Anyway they quantify it, you are 100% perfect to me.
You have managed to stay healthy and save the doctor appointments for regular checkups only (thank you for that). Anytime you’re under the weather and mama and daddy have to work, we drop you off at Nana’s and Papa’s. You still love to be cuddled and held.
I can’t believe how much you’ve grown in just 9 months. I love you so much!
I’ll always love you anyway,
Your mama