Thursday, September 20, 2012

Girls Night!

Kyle went to Illinois for depositions tonight. So Lucy and I had a girls night. She hopped in her stroller (with a little help), and we walked over to the mall. She stayed awake and cute while momma got her eyebrows tamed and a free pair of underware from V.S.

Afterwards we headed over to Target so momma could swoon over all of the cute baby clothes (like this outfit):
I did what any good mom does; I picked out Lucy's size, held it up to her, daydreamed about how cute she would look in it, and put it back on the rack.We grabbed our neccessities (this time it was liquid bleach and formula) and headed to the checkout lane.

I sure hope Lucy never asks for one of these...

We stopped by the block party that our apt complex was hosting and then headed home.
Lucy played while I washed her bottles and diapers for tomorrow.
Well, we're off to go play some more. Have a good night!
Love, Michelle and Lucy


  1. Looks like you girls had a busy night. I liked your video, even the part where Lucy face-planted into the phone!

  2. Lucy is so adorable. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Totally starting her shoe fund right now.
