Friday, September 30, 2011

Red Wins!

And that ties up the second series at 1-1. The glue match will be tonight.
Red wins again!

On another note, we have Kyle's friend Mike and Tiffany's wedding this weekend. There should be a few of Kyle's friend's there. Not sure what we're going to say when they all ask why I'm not drinking.... Oh, wine, champagne, and captain, how I miss you all!
Wedding toast at our wedding

1 comment:

  1. Apparently Michelle "forgot" to share the results of the second series of Ticket to Ride. Here is the conversation that occurred immediately after my series-clinching victory:

    Michelle: "I think you cheated."
    Kyle: "How did I cheat?"
    Michelle: "Well, you must have cheated because how else could I have lost?"
