Friday, September 30, 2011

Red Wins!

And that ties up the second series at 1-1. The glue match will be tonight.
Red wins again!

On another note, we have Kyle's friend Mike and Tiffany's wedding this weekend. There should be a few of Kyle's friend's there. Not sure what we're going to say when they all ask why I'm not drinking.... Oh, wine, champagne, and captain, how I miss you all!
Wedding toast at our wedding

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ticket to Ride

Our current score is:
Michelle - 1
Kyle - 0*

This is really a neat game. So far we've only played it with 2 players, but are wondering how the strategy would change if we played with 4 or 5 players. We'll need to either find  some friends, or Reggie is going to need to learn to sit still long enough  for a whole game and not slobber all over the board...

*Kyle is leading the second set 1-0 (best of 3).

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Savannah's Clean Bill of Health

I was a bit nervous taking both dogs to the vet by myself. Last time, Kyle took them, and Savannah decided to provide a stool sample in the middle of the waiting room.

Lucky for me, this time she did much better. Though, maybe it's a good thing Savannah has lost a few pounds, since I had to lift her into the car. 

The vet took them back individually; they had trouble getting Reggie to stay still on the scale. They even recommended we rename him "wiggles". This is even more humorous to us, since that is what Kyle and I have said all along. Both dogs got a distemper shot and heartworm check. Since Savannah has been losing so much weight, the doctor checked a stool sample.

Well, they both got perfect report cards (hopefully this little spleckle follows their lead). Neither dog had heartworm (thank goodness) and Savannah's stool sample came back healthy. He said that she is getting old, and not to worry as long as she's eating properly, and still has an upbeat attitude. He recommended we pick up some plain nonfat yogurt (the stuff that Kyle and I accidently bought once, and had to throw out because it tasted awful) and mix a tablespoon in with her food to help keep good bacteria in her system.

We really like our vet. He's nice, knowledgeable and affordable. He spends plenty of time explaining and answering questions. 

Savannah and Kyle at "the lake"
P.S. I still don't think that I'll be able eat angel hair pasta any time in the near future... 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Cherry Vanilla Bagel for Me, and a Dose of Folic Acid for Spleckle

The little spleckle and I had our 8 week check up and ultra sound today. The spleckle looked much larger... almost too large to be called a spleckle. I didn't even have to squint to see it. Though I did have to strain my eyes to try and see the flashing dot in the middle (the nurse pointed and said it was the heartbeat). 

After a very encouraging appointment I rewarded myself with a sliced, toasted, cherry vanilla bagel with butter from Panera. Have you tried these things? Amazing. Better than pop-rocks good. I rewarded the large spleckle for it's stellar performance at it's second photo session, with 800mg of folic acid, DHA and a prenatal vitamin.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

First Outfit

On Saturday, Matt and Liz invited us to the Illinois/Western Michigan game. It was a close game that came down to the final seconds.

We went bar hopping before the game; reminded me of the good old days. 
While Kyle, Matt, and Liz finished a few pitchers of beer, I sipped on some diet coke and tonics... While in Chambana we picked out our little guy/girl's first outfit.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Morning Sickness

Last weekend the Grose's were in town for a fishing contest that my dad came up with. Uncle Marty won and my dad came in second. Even Theresa was out there with a fishing pole! The guys (Marty, dad, Matthew, and Danny) took a break to come over our house to help Kyle move a shed. I wasn't allowed to help, as I've been put on orders not to try to lift anything heavy. Anyhow, uncle Marty noticed something that I had been thinking. Savannah has been losing a lot of weight!
Savannah (our 11 year old puppy) has been losing weight (25 pounds in 9 months to be exact). I was hoping that it was because since we've had Reggie, she's been getting less "people food" and going for more walks, but 25 pounds seems like a lot for an 80 pound dog. I looked into causes for rapid weight loss in dogs online and found that heartworm is a common cause. I googled heartworm and went to images and had my first case of morning sickness. I still feel ill to my stomach after seeing the images! 

I guess that's not the type of morning sickness that I'm suppose to be experiencing, but if pregnancy morning sickness is even half as bad as I felt when I saw those images, I think I'm just fine without it.

We're taking Savannah and Reggie both to the vet next Tuesday and getting them back on heartworm prevention medication STAT.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Friday May 4, 2012

I plugged my dates into an online "due date" calculator. And it calculated Friday May 4th, 2012. That is, of course, assuming that this spleckle is in the 5% that are born on their due date...
Some other interesting dates: 

On Thanksgiving (Nov. 24) we'll be exactly 17 weeks.
December 1st is about when we'll start to be able to feel the baby move.
At Christmas we'll be 21 weeks and 3 days
On Kyle's 30th Birthday we'll be 23 weeks and 2 days
On my 30th Birthday we'll be 24 weeks and 3 days
On our anniversary we'll be 25 weeks and 4 days
May 18th we'll be 2 weeks late.

There's a 85% chance the birth date will be between April 20th and May 18th. 

We go in for another ultrasound next Tuesday (8 weeks and 4 days).

Monday, September 19, 2011


I keep wondering "am I actually pregnant"??

So I checked the internet and for a 7-week pregnant person, I should be nauseated, vomiting, have heartburn, random cravings, and be making excessive trips to the porcelain bowl. I have yet to suffer from any of these. Oh well, maybe next week...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Speck or Fleck?

Earlier this week, Kyle and I had a doctor's appointment. We had our first ultrasound and there on the screen was one, healthy, small, flashing blob. If you look at the end of the tip of the arrow, and squint really hard, you can see the lighter gray dot. 

Kyle and I debated whether it's a fleck or a speck. My sister voted that it looks more like a sfleck. I like to call it a spleckle. Kyle's dad helped clear it up for us, and sent us a zoomed in photo so we could see it better: